Zach Crawford Passive Affiliate Profits Review

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Are you ready to level up your affiliate income? Or are you a beginner to affiliate marketing and want to speed up the learning process? Whatever your situation, this Zach Crawford Passive Affiliate Profits review will help you decide if this course is worth your time and money.

One of the many benefits of affiliate marketing is making passive income. It isn’t 100% passive. I prefer to call it semi-passive income. That is because you do have to do some work to maintain your online business.

However, it is a lot less work in comparison to a typical 9-to-5. When you create your online business around high-ticket affiliate marketing (which is what is taught in Passive Affiliate Profits) you have the potential of generating a steady income online.

What is Passive Affiliate Marketing?

You may hear that affiliate marketing is a way to make passive income. It is to an extent. I don’t call it a 100% passive income method because there is work involved.

I prefer to call it semi-passive. The reason is that you can make affiliate commissions while you’re sleeping, shopping, exercising, or even spending time with your family.

However, those commissions are made not from the work you did this morning but from work you did a month ago, a year ago, etc.

So, you have done some work upfront to generate passive income down the road. And that is what makes affiliate marketing one of the best ways to make money online.

Every now and again, I do refer to affiliate marketing as a way to make passive income but I wanted to clarify that you’re not simply sitting around waiting for commissions to come in.

Once you’ve learned how to do affiliate marketing, it requires consistency. Being consistent is the key!

What You Can Expect From This Review

I will cover what the Passive Affiliate Profits course is about and how it works. I’ll share some pros and cons about the course and I will share some information about the course creator.

And for full disclosure: I did purchase the course and I am an affiliate of the course.

Alright, let’s dig in!

What is Passive Affiliate Profits?

If you’ve been in search of a beginner-friendly affiliate marketing training program, then you’ll like what the Passive Affiliate Profits program has to offer. It is a step-by-step program that helps anyone learn how to make a full-time income online using a 2-step business model.

You don’t need to create your own product, or website, or have previous experience. In essence, you’ll be learning affiliate marketing. However, you won’t learn how to promote low-ticket products on Amazon or any other retail website.

You’ll be learning the skills to promote high-ticket affiliate offers and there is a massive benefit to that. High-ticket affiliate products result in higher affiliate commissions.

Let’s say you have an income goal of $1,000 to $2,000 per month with affiliate marketing. It would take you making 500 sales of a low-ticket product versus only 1 to 2 sales of a high-ticket product to meet your goal.

With Passive Affiliate Profits, you’re going to learn a proven, time-tested system that Zach himself uses to make large affiliate commissions passively.

What is Included Inside of Passive Affiliate Profits

When you invest in the course you will have immediate access to:

  • 6-module step-by-step video training
  • Bonus Organic Traffic Domination Masterclass
  • 7-Figure Automated Scripts
  • High-Ticket Offers Checklist
  • Done-For-You Sales Funnel
passive affiliate profits module
A module inside of Passive Affiliate Profits

Zach is the instructor in all of the modules and each module is packed with tons of value. Compared to courses I’ve paid much more money for, this course has just as much value for the price.

Someone completely new to affiliate marketing can take what they learn in this course and run with it. With consistent effort and applying what is learned, it is possible to create a steady income online.

Who is Zach Crawford?

zach crawford affiliate marketer

I came across Zach after one of his YouTube videos showed up in my recommended videos. When I watched his video, I was immediately impressed as he was teaching affiliate marketing in a different way.

While Zach is a very successful affiliate marketer and CEO of his own company, he has not had it easy on his online journey.

Before he became an affiliate marketer, he worked a dead-end 9-to-5 job at the post office. He ended up being hit by a drunk driver on his motorcycle and had severe injuries that left him in a lot of pain.

Soon, he became a heavy drinker and had over $50,000 in debt that he had to worry about.

He left for the Philippines to escape creditors and eventually discovered affiliate marketing. Even then, he struggled to make money online.

Thanks to a mentor that he found, he learned the skills needed to make a steady income online. Now Zach teaches others how to do the same using the same strategies that have led him to become a millionaire.

He has won numerous awards such as the Clickfunnel Dream Car award and the 2-Comma Club award.

Zach is a genuinely cool guy. I even won one of his courses during a giveaway he was running on YouTube. He is accessible in his Facebook group and offers plenty of help when you are a student of his full training course.

Features and Benefits of Passive Affiliate Profits

What is great about PAP is that not only do you get the main training that goes into the how of starting an online business but you also get training on how to get traffic and leads.

Without traffic, there is no way to earn income with affiliate marketing. Zach goes into a lot of detail about using social media to generate tons of free traffic.

The section on traffic could be a course within itself. Zach provides in-depth tutorials on how to use both Instagram and TikTok as well as a daily action plan.

One of my favorite parts of the traffic training is the section that outlines Zach’s own content formula. Really awesome stuff!

How Does Passive Affiliate Profits Work?

PAP is an online video training course. In order to get the most out of the course, it’s best to start it and go in order.

This course is ideal for beginners but also for those that have some experience but aren’t able to create a steady income online.

I recommend taking each module and taking notes along the way. Zach shares a lot of detail so it may be helpful to jot down notes and refer back to each video as needed.

Part of the course includes becoming a member of Zach’s Facebook group. This is also helpful as Zach does post quite often in the group.

When you have questions, you can ask them in the group as well as read other people’s questions and answers.

The key to getting results will be your own consistent effort. I’ve come across many people in groups I’m a part of that admit they’ve bought the course and then did nothing with it for months.

My main piece of advice for those new to affiliate marketing is to stay consistent. Do something every day to move your business forward.

When you’re consistent, that is when you get good results.

The Pros of Passive Affiliate Profits

I really like PAP and for the price that Zach is charging, the course goes above and beyond. Here are some pros about the course:

  • Great for beginners and intermediate affiliate marketers
  • Easy to follow and self-paced
  • You have the training and tools to start making commissions sooner
  • Facebook group is available for accountability and support
  • Goes into great detail about traffic generation
  • Access to a DFY (done-for-you) sales funnel

With the information available in the course, it is possible to create a steady income with affiliate marketing.

Many of Zach’s students have won his “10K Club” award for hitting $10,000 in commissions:

10K Club award winners
$10K Club Award Winners

The Cons of Passive Affiliate Profits

While the Passive Affiliate Profits course isn’t as in-depth or offers the same amount of support that is included with the Zach Crawford coaching full MCS course, it is still packed with value.

However, you simply won’t get the detail, guidance, and support that comes with an advanced course.

Here are some cons of PAP to consider:

  • Possible information overload
  • No direct accessibility to Zach besides FB group posts
  • Guidance and accountability are lacking

Honestly, the cons I’ve listed above are to be expected. PAP is an excellent course but it is not going to have the features that come with an advanced course.

Is Passive Affiliate Profits Worth It?

If you are just getting your feet wet in the world of affiliate marketing or you simply are looking for a way to create a new stream of income, then PAP is definitely worth it.

As of this writing, it is priced extremely low and even at its full possible price point, it is still worth every penny.

Anyone can take what is offered and have an online business up and running fairly quickly. For those that have been doing affiliate marketing with little to no results, PAP is a great resource.

You may not be a complete beginner but need some direction and that’s how this course can help.

In comparison to other courses I’ve tried with similar price points, PAP beats them hands down in terms of content.

It is well worth the investment and by taking action on what you learn in the course, it is quite possible to make back your investment and create a steady income online.


I hope this Passive Affiliate Profits review has provided you with some good info. Overall, I think it is a great intro course for creating a steady income with affiliate marketing.

I’ve only been through the modules once but plan on going through them again. As I mentioned above, the traffic generation module is in-depth.

You really can’t lose as the amount of information that is included is worth every penny (and it is priced really well.)

If you’re ready to level up your skills and your online income, check out the Passive Affiliate Profits course.

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