Not Approved By Lego Affiliate Program? [What to Do Next]

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Lego is known worldwide not only as a toy for children but as a hobby for adults as well. Stop into any Lego store and you’ll be sure to find it packed with people. Lego kits sell extremely well so it makes sense as an affiliate marketer to apply to the Lego affiliate program to make affiliate commissions.

What do you do, however, if you are not accepted into the Lego affiliate program? Does that mean that you can never promote their products?

Not necessarily. In this post, I’m going to share some strategies to help you get approved when you apply as well as some alternative affiliate programs that you can join.

How I Make $1,000 Commissions Using a Simple 2-Step Process

Hi! I’m Eartha, the author of this website and an affiliate marketer. I seek out and share various affiliate programs and online courses here on the blog.

I also share ways to help boost affiliate income. One of the ways I’ve been able to increase my income is by focusing on promoting high-ticket affiliate offers.

Making more commissions is one of the fastest ways to scale up your affiliate income. Click the link below to discover how I’m able to make $1,000 – $2,000 commissions:

How the Lego Affiliate Program Works

In order to apply to the Lego affiliate program, you will need to create an account on the Rakuten Advertising network. After you’ve created your account, you can search for Lego and click to apply.

What trips up a lot of beginner affiliates is not having a website to submit on the affiliate application. Almost all affiliate programs will ask for your website URL. If you do not have one because you’re just starting out, it may prevent you from being approved.

Another option is to submit a link to one of your social media profiles related to the niche audience that may buy Lego products.

If you don’t have a social media following, it may be a good time to start building one.

What to Do If You’re Not Approved by the Lego Affiliate Program

In the event that you are not approved for the Lego affiliate program, you still have some options. You can:

  • Reapply in 30 days or more after you’ve built an online asset like a website or social media following
  • Apply to alternative affiliate programs that offer Lego products

I recommend not reapplying again for at least a month and it would be even better if you have a niche website that you can submit.

So, during that time, get your niche website up and running or start your social media account such as an Instagram account.

Prove That You Can Generate Targeted Traffic

One of the primary reasons that an affiliate program may ask for your website URL is so they can verify that you know how to generate targeted traffic.

There are some affiliate programs that don’t care how you send traffic as long as you send some, while others are more particular.

Almost all affiliate program applications will ask for a website so if you plan on focusing on a specific niche, you may as well create a niche website.

Having a niche website has helped me to get approved for almost every affiliate program I’ve applied to within a particular niche.

Why a Niche Website Can Help

When it comes to building an online asset, I would choose a niche website over a social media account.

For one thing, social media accounts always have the potential of being closed down. Let’s say you’ve built a large following and your account is closed for whatever reason. You would have to create a new one and start again.

It’s a lot of work to rebuild a brand and a new following. With a niche website, you retain ownership without the risk of being shut down.

The content that you create on a niche website can last for years if some of your articles rank well in the search results.

In my opinion, a niche website can serve as a long-term online asset.

Create a Social Media Profile

If maintaining a niche website doesn’t sound like your cup of tea, then focusing your efforts on creating a social media profile in your desired niche may be the way to go.

Keep in mind that building up a social media profile can take as much time and effort as it does for a niche website.

In fact, it may be more work initially as you have to create much more content since whenever you post anything, it is short-lived in terms of the traffic it brings in.

However, once you have an established social media presence, content creation should be easier and leads should flow in on a steady basis.

The platforms I focus on most for social media content include Instagram and Facebook. Some people have great success with TikTok but I’ve heard too many stories about accounts being closed on that platform.

When to Reapply to the Lego Affiliate Program

As I briefly mentioned above, it is a good idea to wait 30 days or longer before reapplying to the Lego affiliate program. There is no guarantee that you’ll be approved if you wait 30 days or longer.

However, if you use that time to create an online asset like a niche website or a social media profile, you’ll have something to submit on the application when they ask for your website URL.

Lego Affiliate Program Alternatives

If for some reason you are not accepted to the Lego affiliate program, you can seek out other companies that sell Lego products that have their own affiliate program.

For example, Amazon sells various Lego kits and they have an affiliate program. Some other alternatives include:

These are just some of the main options but there are plenty more if you do a search. Keep in mind that some of these affiliate programs may still ask for a website so it is still ideal to create your online asset before applying.

How I Make $1K – $2K Affiliate Commissions

I’ve been doing affiliate marketing for a while now and a majority of the products that I promoted were low-ticket. The highest commission I made for any product was around $47.

It was difficult to scale up my affiliate income. When I discovered high-ticket affiliate marketing, I realized it was one of the fastest ways to increase affiliate income.

It takes the same amount of effort to recommend a low-ticket product as a high-ticket product.

Below are some screen captures of high-ticket commissions I’ve earned:

affiliate commissions
affiliate payout

The first thing I did was find a legitimate training program that focused on teaching high-ticket affiliate marketing. I found this one and implemented what I learned in the training.

Next, I chose the high-ticket affiliate product that I wanted to promote. I personally use the product myself which makes it easier to recommend to my target audience.

Finally, I stay consistent with content creation to help attract the targeted audience that is best suited to the product.


Hopefully, the above strategies may help you get approved by the Lego affiliate program and others that you may apply to.

You may also want to consider high-ticket affiliate marketing which can help you earn a larger income each month once you learn the high-income skills.

Click here to learn how to make $1K – $2K commissions.

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Hi! My name is Eartha and I'm the author of this blog. I earn a steady income online. Follow the same training I used to learn how to earn income using simple 2-page websites and affiliate marketing. Click here to get started!